SCA Coffee Systems Map

The SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) has been promoting a “Systems Map Discussion Series” organized around the central activities of the Coffee Systems Map.

The first webinar focused on Farming and Processing, the second was about Exporting. Yuki Minami was invited and participated as a panelist for the Exporting webinar.

And the full webinar episode is available at SCA website.

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(SCA) Can you describe what your role is in the coffee sector? 

(YM) I'm a coffee producer as Minami Agrícola and exporter through my company Aequitas Coffee. 

(SCA) On the map we have identified six activities – Farming, Processing, Importing, Exporting, Roasting, and Brewing. Which activities are you involved with?

(YM) Farming, Processing and Exporting.

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(SCA) Looking at the Coffee Systems Map, which actors (the groups listed on the outside of the circle) are you MOST familiar with?

(YM) It's important to say that I'm familiar to the ones I have a relationship with as producer and exporter. 

So, I'm most familiar with:

Skilled laborers because I manage the farm team during harvest and postharvest processing period; 

Standards and Certifications because the coffee farm holds UTZ and other certifications;

Financial Institutions for coffee production and export financing;

Producers as Aequitas exports coffee from other producers, and I have relationship with the co-op coffee producers which I'm member at;

Mills as our farming production is dry milled, graded and sorted at the co-op warehouse which also works as a Storage Facility

Transportation Companies for carrying the coffee up to the port; 

Allied Industries that provide products and services for coffee production and coffee export;  

Brokers that sell part of Minami coffee production in the domestic market;

Nongovernmental Organizations because I'm an IWCA member and part of the current board of directors.

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(YM) I'd like to be more connected with Future Traders for risk management and to fix prices and protect part of the coffee production and also coffee for export, also Research Institutions to access knowledge about coffee varietals which produce increment yield and cup quality, also efficiency improvements in operations of harvest post-harvest techniques. 

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(SCA) Looking at the Coffee Systems Map, which actors (the groups listed on the outside of the circle) are you LEAST familiar with? Or are there actors you would like to be MORE connected with?

(YM) I'm least familiar with Future Traders, Government Agencies, Insurance Companies, Research Institutions, Media, Waste, ICE, Auditors and Retailers.