Yuki Minami at Fazenda Olhos d’Água, Rio Paranaíba, Minas Gerais
One of the infinite things we seek in our journey is the sense of belonging, which means believing that we are in the right path. Coffee brought and brings this feeling every day.
We know that right and wrong are broad and individual concepts, and for this reason they must be respected and understood.
The timing of things is also relative, and the answers we seek sometimes come faster for some people than for others, and there are those who care more about questioning than actually about certainties. And everything is all right.
Aequitas emerged at first as an idea, now is materialising the search for something that brings satisfaction and positive impact to the lives of people.
We believe that working makes sense when it has a purpose in itself: to thrive together. The joy is greater when it is spread out, as Buddha already taught us:
“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never diminishes when shared.”
Coffee Buddha is a photograph by Falko Follert which was uploaded on December 31st, 2012.
The balance and valuation of relationships was our North and lead us to embark towards a dream of creating a business that valued the product as much as the story and its actors, especially the invisible ones.
Giving voice and visibility to those who do not appear for obvious market reasons allow us to connect all agents of the coffee chain without skipping anyone – from producer to consumer.
We know that a fair and balanced relationship is not one of equals, because in that way we could not reach a balanced measure, since we are all different in physical / financial / psychological or intellectual aspects. The world is seen by different viewpoints and perspectives.
We can find concepts of justice and equity well clarified by Aristotle:
“equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally.”
Image from Wikipedia. Busto de Aristóteles. Cópia romana de uma escultura de Lísipo
The mentioned concepts were presented to say that it was in fairs where we started exploring and began what we do today: making products and stories traveling around the world. It is adding the main ingredient to the coffee: the magic of making someone happy here, there and everywhere.
Fairs promote contact with different countries, products, knowledge exchange and the most important: connect people. The meetings makes possible many exchanges and it is rewarding to participate in each one.
We always have something to learn and to teach, with this purpose we look for attending coffee movements, big and small ones, because there is strength in numbers.
Gratitude for every exchange that makes us be certain of what we are doing is the right thing.